Monday, June 8, 2020

Welcome to the

S*M*U*T Group

'Strange Modellers of Universal Trains'

The SMUT group is a small unofficial modelling group, in Sydney, with a huge range of interests. Members occasionally get together for SMUT nights, which consist of modelling each persons various chosen interest, chat, videos, food and, of course, suitable beverages.
There is no SMUT membership, no SMUT politics, no SMUT fees and none of the other guff that goes with a normal model group membership.

Current members model the scales of N, HO, 5 1/4in and 10in.

Prototype subjects being NSW, Interstate and the Philippines.

Membership is via invitation only in an effort to keep out THOOOOOOSE railfans - you know - THOOOOOOOOOOSE railfans.

If you are on Facebook you can come chat, share photos with us or just rabbit on about the recent efforts on your layout.

Otherwise you can email us at PNR902 @ yahoo. com. ph (remove spaces)

Come back soon.

This site will contain photos and information on SMUT modelling nights and achievements






























